Is your life out of control? Are you being irresistibly drawn to do a behavior that is destroying your life? Smoking, substance addiction, compulsive gambling, shopping, sex addiction, shoplifting, and many more addictions can be treated with the Feeling-State Addiction Protocol. A new short-term therapy that breaks behavioral addictions and eliminates the urges and cravings of substance addictions for many people Learn how you can get your life back with FSAP. 


Feeling State Addiction Protocol (FSAP) is a psychotherapy technique.depressed gambler

It is based on the EMDR model (Eye movement Desensensitization and Reprocessing) which has been proven effective worldwide as an effective therapy.

Feeling State Addiction Protocol works like EMDR except it focuses on compulsive thoughts and behavior rather than on unpleasant memories.

Smoking, substance addiction, compulsive gambling, shopping, sex addiction, shoplifting, and many more addictions can be treated with the Feeling-State Addiction Protocol, which is a new, short-term therapy that breaks behavioral addictions and eliminates the urges and cravings of substance addictions for many people.

Jennifer Duke has been trained in both FSAP and EMDR and is a respected psychotherapist in the Pasadena, California area.
